SAP Barcode Scanner Screen Customization
With the release of NLINK® version 8, the default SAP Barcoding screens delivered with the NLINK ADC to SAP Solution received a style makeover.

The NLINK ADC to SAP Solution screens are HTML5 browser-based. This means that nothing is installed onto the SAP handheld scanners thus greatly simplifying installation and ongoing support. The SAP scanner screens use various open-source libraries, such as bootstrap, for basic styling and responsive layout, along with proprietary libraries for delivering specific SAP Barcoding functionality. Consequently, the appearance of the barcoding screens can be centrally managed and easily changed.
SAP Scanner Screen Styling with CSS
In addition to the built-in out-of-the-box appearance, customers can optionally choose to layer their own custom CSS styling options on top and thus create whatever appearance they prefer. It can sometimes be a little tricky to figure out how to address the various visual elements on the barcode screen, so we now provide a sample stylesheet for specifically for this purpose. This sample file includes lots of examples and comments to help with this task.

We also added a quick and easy way to change the color scheme. Our customers frequently prefer to set up a separate SAP test environment, and a common request was an easy way to know which environment their SAP barcoding users were connecting to. Changing the color scheme makes it very easy to visually identify the environment that your SAP barcode users are interacting with which, among other things, ensures no inadvertent barcoding posts to the production SAP system during testing.

We hope these changes inspire you to do a bit of customizing yourself and make your SAP handheld scanner screens your own!
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